Priyanka Chopra was conceived in Jamshedpur, India on July 18, 1982. While at the high school system, Chopra won the Miss India pageant, and she quickly followed that success by winning the 2000 Miss World pageant as well. Following her international popularity, Chopra became a star in Bollywood and then turned her attention to film. American television was able to make waves in the form of Quantico which was an FBI drama. It was on air between 2015 and 2018. Chopra was also a big star in Bollywood due to her union with actor Nick Jonas. Her first Bollywood movie, The Hero: Love Story of a Spy, in 2003. She also appeared in Andaaz the same year, which debuted a string of films including Plan, Kismat and Asambhav. The films did not do well at the box office and Chopra was successful with her romantic comedy Mujhse Karogi. Chopra was only 20 when she made her debut in film with Thamizhan then did it again the next year with Jeet - Born to Win. Chopra admitted that her debut was an awful experience. "I was ready to leave the world of entertainment after I'd completed it!" I was not sure of what I was talking about or doing." The actor and actress Nick Jonas went public with their relationship during the summer of 2018. The news of their engagement broke in July. According to reports, Jonas proposed to Chopra on Chopra's 36th Birthday. The couple got married at an extravagant wedding which began on December 1 2018.
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